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Leadership Development
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Osprey International delivers a unique leadership development intervention that is focused on “leading in tough times”. Programmes develop a culture that engenders high levels of individual and team independence, accountability and responsibility. Such a culture supports the achievement of objectives in difficult and uncertain circumstances and environments. It is evidenced by the willingness and acceptance of people to own their outcomes regardless of position, role or task difficulty.


Osprey International leadership programmes focus on developing the individual’s resilience to demanding and uncertain situations, while developing a leaders ability to develop the same in their people. Programmes tailor related themes into an intervention that meets the need of each workplace in terms of themes and methods of facilitation/delivery. Leadership programmes emphasise experience-based learning. While “leading in tough times” is foundation, Osprey International has considerable experience to deliver programmes targeting Team Building, High Performance, High Reliability, Safety Leadership, Joint Venture Alignment and Cross Cultural Leadership.


Osprey International engages individuals with considerable experience leading teams and organisations in environments typified by high risk and uncertainty. Further this experience extends to developing and leading high performance capabilities in such environments.  Osprey’s people are proven and effective coaches and mentors for supervisory up to corporate levels of leadership. They are also experienced in developing the positive influence of any natural leadership that may be evident amongst the workforce of an organisation.